21 Sep, 2024
1 min read

Everything That’s Not Healthy About Ketchup – Health Digest

To say it can be mystifying to weed out the good from the bad when we’re all so spoiled for choice in the modern world is an understatement. While there may have been only a handful of varieties of ketchup available once upon a time, today the shelves run rampant with different flavors and ingredient […]

1 min read

What Happens To Your Body If You Eat When You’re Not Hungry – Health Digest

Strange as it may seem, the digestive process is mental as much as it is physical. According to Mindful Ways to Wellness, the minute you smell food, your body begins producing the enzymes and digestive juices it will need to eventually break it down. So, in order for you to digest your food properly, the […]

1 min read

What Happens To Your Body When You’re A Competitive Eater For A Living – Health Digest

With its extreme focus on rapid consumption and pushing the body’s limits, competitive eating poses a potential threat to the body’s natural satiety reflex, a key internal mechanism for maintaining a healthy weight. According to a 2022 study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, this internal regulation system is responsible […]

1 min read

Why Is My Left Arm Tingling? – Health Digest

You’ve probably been bitten by a mosquito and felt the accompanying itch and irritation. You likely wanted to scratch like your life depended on it, because of your body’s reaction to the foreign invader’s saliva. An itchy arm is highly annoying, but it’s actually one of the more tame allergic reactions from a bite or […]

1 min read

Marijuana Side Effects That Differ Between Men And Women – Health Digest

Marijuana usage isn’t the only area in which men and women may differ in terms of side effects experienced. Rather, there are also differences observed between the two groups in relation to stopping use of the drug. Men more often reported sleep-related withdrawal symptoms, specifically insomnia and vivid dreams, according to the 2016 study. Women […]

1 min read

5 Personality Traits That Will Help You Live Longer (And 5 That Won’t) – Health Digest

Optimism is a positive outlook on life that research confirms has a strong influence on health and overall well-being. A 2019 study involving over 70,000 participants found that people with self-rated high optimism tended to lead healthier lives and had a higher likelihood of reaching age 85 or older than less optimistic people (per Proceedings of […]

1 min read

Serious Signs That You’re Allergic To Marijuana – Health Digest

Signs of a marijuana allergy are very similar to any other kind of allergy, according to Dr. Rachna Patel. “It could include things like sore or itchy throat, stuffy nose, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, swelling, red and teary eyes, rash, hives, bronchitis, and asthma,” explained the cannabis expert. Contact dermatitis caused by touching weed can […]

1 min read

Ways You Can Actually Attract People That You’d Never Guess – Health Digest

Thinking you might be attracted to a body type like your mother or father might have you shaking your head. But, Elayne Savage, psychotherapist, told CNN, “When you grow up familiar with a certain type of person, you’re attracted to that same type of person because it feels comfortable, whether you like it or not.” […]

1 min read

11 Protein Myths You Should Stop Believing – Health Digest

The debate over whether animal-based proteins surpass their plant-based counterparts is a myth that warrants examination. Per a study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, the human body relies on approximately 20 different amino acids to assemble proteins. While some amino acids can be produced by the body, nine are deemed essential, […]

1 min read

These 9 Common Food Storage Mistakes Are Putting Your Health At Risk – Health Digest

As Live Science notes, it’s possible for Listeria bacteria to be in ice cream. Benjamin Chapman, a food safety expert at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, told Live Science that usually for Listeria to cause sickness, there would have to be ” … tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of cells … ” […]