How Long Does Marijuana Actually Stay In Your Body’s System? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
Olena Bondarenko/Getty Images In the 24 states (plus Washington, D.C.) where marijuana is legal for recreational use, the potency of cannabis can vary, potentially leading to different effects on your body. Some legal cannabis products can have 90% or more THC (the chemical that gives you the psychoactive […]
Should You Take Ibuprofen After Getting A Bad Sunburn? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
The danger with turning to over-the-counter NSAIDs like ibuprofen for sunburn lies in their ease of access, which can make people feel like they don’t come with a host of side effects. But experts stress that NSAIDs can have adverse health effects, especially when misused or overused. While there is no specific data on turning […]
Can This Popular Costco Tea Really Soothe A Sore Throat? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
Balance Grow Honey Citron and Ginger Tea contains 65% sliced citron, 5% ginger extract, and 5% sundry honey. It also has 5% sugar, citric acid, vitamin C, and carrageenan. The latter is a red seaweed-based thickening agent that’s added to various products. Even though a 2021 study in Pharmacology Research and Perspectives listed it as a new […]
We Tried Eating Cheddar Cheese To Fall Asleep In Record Time. Here’s How It Went – Health Digest
I was at a loss trying to figure out how much cheese to eat before bed. I didn’t want to eat too much, because it might make my digestive system work overtime. But if it’s the tryptophan that supposedly helps people fall asleep, I wanted to get enough to notice a difference. So I searched […]
We Tried TikTok’s Sweatshirt Hack To Sleep Like A Baby. Here’s How It Went – Health Digest
According to Callie Galey, start by folding a sweatshirt of your choice in half with the sleeves left to hang down. Then, place it over the top half of your head, leaving your nose and mouth open. Then, lie down and use the sleeves of your sweatshirt (now directly behind your head) to wrap thick […]
Can Eating Cashews Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
In addition to potentially lowering the risk of cancer to begin with, findings from a 2018 observational study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology suggested that nut consumption may also impact cancer recurrence and survival rates of certain site-specific cancers — specifically, colon cancer. Researchers analyzed the diets of more than 800 patients who […]
Should You Be Worried About Yellow Poop? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
Bile is a yellow-tinted fluid that plays a role in the color of our poop. Its salt content helps metabolize fat from food sources and expel it from the body as waste. Certain liver and gallbladder disorders, however, can decrease levels of bile salts in the body, which can cause our poop to appear yellow […]
Can Coconut Oil Make Your Nails Grow Overnight? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
Coconut oil can be an important ingredient in keeping your nails healthy and happy, which, in turn, can aid nail growth. According to board-certified dermatologist Dr. Orit Markowitz (via Byrdie), if you’re looking to treat brittle and cracked nails, coconut oil can help. Dry and brittle nails break off a lot easier than moisturized ones, and this, […]
Can TikTok’s Viral Cortisol Drink Actually Reduce Your Stress Levels? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
Among other hormones, our adrenal glands produce cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone, explains the Cleveland Clinic. The first ingredient in the adrenal cocktail — vitamin C — may help lower levels of cortisol in the body. Findings of an early 1999 study presented to the American Chemical Society showed that rats who were fed […]
We Tried This Sweet Trick To Poop Instantly. Here’s How It Went – Health Digest
I tried the hack on two days and the results were disappointing, to say the least. Luckily, I had my trusty beverage on standby – coffee’s effects when it comes to poop have yet to fail me. For starters, it was incredibly difficult to ingest the natural sweetener because it was overly sweet. I literally had […]