08 Sep, 2024
1 min read

Foods High In Omega-6 You Should Avoid Eating Every Day – Health Digest

You’ll find omega-6s in many types of cooking oil. Some might sound healthy, but they aren’t in terms of cooling inflammation. Sunflower oil is used to make potato chips and some cookies, and it’s relatively low in saturated fat. However, it has an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 775 to 1. Some fried foods, packaged […]

1 min read

Avoid This Sleep Position If You Have High Blood Pressure And Sleep Apnea – Health Digest

Obstructive sleep apnea and high blood pressure are two conditions that appear to go hand in hand. It has been reported that 89% of people between the ages of 18-35 with high blood pressure not due to secondary causes have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) as an underlying condition, according to a 2022 study in Current […]

1 min read

The Popular Breakfast Food That Can Lower Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Experts point toward a soluble fiber you can find in oats for its cholesterol-lowering properties called beta-glucan. As registered dietician Novella Lui explained, “Soluble fiber dissolves in water, turning into a gel and acting as a sponge that binds to cholesterol and fats and removing them from the blood stream to be excreted,” (via EatingWell). Further, beta-glucan […]

4 mins read

The Little-Known Brown Fruit That Could Help Lower High Blood Pressure – Health Digest

Eva Katalin Kondoros/Getty Images For people of South Asian origin, tamarind is not a little-known fruit. In fact, it makes a popular paste (tamarind paste) that is often used in marinades, chutneys, fish curries, sauces, and even desserts. Its sweet and tangy flavor can be easily recognized in a dish. For the rest of the world, […]

1 min read

Popular Herbs That Can Help Lower High Blood Pressure – Health Digest

Ginger offers an impressive list of health benefits, from digestive system support to lowering blood pressure. Ginger is derived from the root of the Zingiber officinale plant, known for adding a delightful “zing” to any dish, and is a member of the same plant family as cardamom and turmeric. Ginger is so highly cherished that it comes in […]

4 mins read

The Little-Known Squash That Can Help Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Real_life_photo/Shutterstock Summer is that time when you go into a grocery store and see lots of fruits and vegetables in the produce aisle that you’ve not seen in ages. It is also the time when you realize that you don’t know about all the green goodness that’s out there. Enter the chayote (scientific name: Sechium edule), […]

1 min read

The High Protein Breakfast Food That Can Naturally Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Beans for breakfast? Of course. Beans are a popular breakfast food in Latin America, Africa, and Great Britain. Huevos rancheros are typically made with eggs, tortillas, beans, and salsa. A 2021 study in The Journal of Nutrition had people with high cholesterol eat either a cup of beans, a half cup of beans, or a cup […]

1 min read

Can Decongestants Help Lower High Blood Pressure? What We Know – Health Digest

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration requires you to purchase medicines with pseudoephedrine behind a pharmacy counter, and you’re limited in how much you purchase each month. That’s because pseudoephedrine can be used to make the highly addictive stimulant methamphetamine. According to a 2021 article in the International Journal of Molecular Science, pseudoephedrine […]

1 min read

When High Blood Pressure Goes Untreated, This Is What Happens To Your Kidneys – Health Digest

If high blood pressure goes untreated it can lead to what’s known as renal artery stenosis, in which increased pressure on the arteries causes them to compress or harden, thereby restricting blood flow to the kidneys (via Cardiovascular Institute of America). According to the American Heart Association (AHA), damage to the kidney’s arteries prevents the […]

1 min read

High Cholesterol Has An Unexpected Link To This Painful Condition – Health Digest

Gout is a form of arthritis that develops when your kidneys can’t handle the excess amount of uric acid in your system. A gout attack occurs when uric acid crystals form and settle into your joints, usually the big toe. Gout attacks can last for a week or two, and they can be quite painful […]