08 Sep, 2024
1 min read

Add This Powerhouse Ingredient To Your Diet To Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest

In the 2009 systematic review, researchers analyzed 13 different studies whose findings showed the heart health benefits of short-term walnut consumption on participant blood lipid profiles. Across more than 360 participants, those who ate a walnut-dense diet for anywhere between four weeks and 24 weeks experienced significant drops in LDL and total cholesterol levels compared […]

1 min read

This Common Prostate Medication Might Also Reduce Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Different doses of finasteride were given to male mice who had atherosclerosis for 12 weeks while feeding them a Western diet. The finasteride not only lowered their cholesterol levels but also had some clearing of the fatty deposits in their arteries. The mice on finasteride had less fat in their livers than the mice not […]

1 min read

Eating This Underrated Tropical Fruit Can Help Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest

According to a 2016 randomized controlled study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, consuming guava pulp (made from the vibrant red flesh of the fruit) without the peel had a significant and favorable effect on both lipid levels and blood sugar levels. More specifically, it lowered blood sugar, serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol levels […]

1 min read

High Cholesterol Has An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Sex Life – Health Digest

All the cholesterol in your body is not bad. In fact, cholesterol serves the important function of helping your body produce cell membranes, vitamin D, and sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen. Having healthy cholesterol levels means having higher levels of what is known as “good” or high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and lower levels of “bad” or low-density lipoprotein […]

1 min read

The Unique Citrus Fruit That Can Help Lower Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Talk about stumbling on a fruit that has the internet talking about it — apparently, lots of people have ended up confusing another citrus fruit called the “kaffir lime,” native to Southeast Asia, with the bergamot, even though the former is green in color with a bumpy surface. Bergamot, on the other hand (not to be confused […]

1 min read

Can Eating This Popular Spice Really Lower Your High Cholesterol? – Health Digest

Turmeric is one of those spices that instantly brighten up your dishes, owing to its bright yellow hue. It has an earthy flavor combined with some hints of ginger and pepper and makes a great addition to lattes, teas, curries, soups, pasta dishes, and smoothies. But be mindful of supposedly healthy turmeric lattes offered at cafes, […]

1 min read

Eat This Popular Fruit To Lower High Blood Pressure – Health Digest

Salt is often to blame when it comes to high blood pressure. But maintaining a low salt intake is anything but easy when it can often be found lurking in everything from frozen foods to cereals, canned goods, cheeses, and more. This is where our good friend the banana comes in. Just one banana (126 […]

1 min read

High Cholesterol Increases Your Risk Of This Common Disease – Health Digest

Your kidneys serve many functions in your body. Their big job is to filter out waste from your blood, purifying 200 quarts of blood for just a few quarts of urine. Your kidneys also make hormones that control your blood pressure and signal the bone marrow to make red blood cells. You need your kidneys […]

1 min read

Eat This Type Of Fiber To Lower Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest

In a 2023 meta-analysis in Advances in Nutrition, researchers pulled the results of 181 research trials involving more than 14,000 people, finding that adding soluble fiber can improve cholesterol levels. Specifically, soluble fiber significantly decreases LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol) by 8.28 mg/dL, total cholesterol by 10.82 mg/dL, triglycerides by 5.55 mg/dL, and apolipoprotein B […]

1 min read

Add This Popular Fish To Your Diet To Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Over the course of two five-week sessions, 41 participants diagnosed with overweight or obesity maintained a Mediterranean diet that included two servings of salmon weekly (via The Journal of Nutrition). Testing revealed that salmon contained two metabolites and two salmon food-specific compounds known to support heart health. The research revealed a connection between these four […]