08 Sep, 2024
1 min read

Tell-Tale Signs A Person Is In Pain At The End Of Life – Health Digest

In some cases, a dying person may be able to vocalize that they’re experiencing pain. If not, take note of their body language. If the person grimaces, moans, stiffens, tightens their fists, or clenches their teeth — particularly if this occurs while you’re attempting to shift or reposition them — then these are indications the […]

1 min read

Tell-Tale Signs Imposter Syndrome Is Taking Over Your Life (And How To Overcome It) – Health Digest

Imposter syndrome can also show up in the form of perfectionism or even denial (per StatPearls). If you’re crediting happenstance as the reason for your success or downplaying your own knowledge or skill set, these can be signs of imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome can also show up as fear, most predominantly fear of failure, or […]

1 min read

What Happens To Your Sex Life When You Don’t Drink Enough Water – Health Digest

Have you ever noticed how you get a headache and feel tired when you’re not drinking enough water? This is one of the indirect ways in which not drinking enough H20 can impact your sex life. Water, as noted before, also keeps your muscles and joints working in top condition. All of these factors are important when […]

1 min read

This Vitamin Deficiency Can Have An Unexpected Effect On Your Sex Life – Health Digest

Low sex drive, in both men and women, has been linked with vitamin D deficiency.  In men, a boost in testosterone levels is positively correlated with good sex drive. In women, low estrogen levels are connected to low libido. According to a 2010 study published in the journal Clinical Endocrinology, sufficient vitamin D levels were […]

1 min read

Does Morphine Speed Up Death At The End Of Life? What We Know – Health Digest

It’s easy to see how the notion of morphine bringing death sooner to someone who’s dying came about. We can blame creative outlets like movies and books and also the lived experiences of some people who report seeing their loved ones’ lives slip away while on the opioid.  But morphine, when administered correctly, can bring […]

1 min read

The US State That Has The Highest Life Expectancy – Health Digest

A 2023 analysis conducted by Ozmosi found that Hawaii has some of the healthiest residents. The study took data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that considered factors such as air quality, prevalence of obesity, chronic disease, and physical activity. Hawaii’s air quality, a lower percentage of inactive people, and a lower obesity […]

1 min read

The Unexpected Way A Low Carb Diet Affects Your Life Expectancy – Health Digest

The study followed more than 15,000 people over 25 years and looked at how their carbohydrate intake factored into how long they lived. People whose carb intake averaged between 50 and 55% of their daily calories lived the longest. Restricting carbs to less than 40% of their intake resulted in an increased mortality risk. But […]

1 min read

This Is How Often You Should Have Sex To Live A Longer Life – Health Digest

We all know that sex can be a great form of stress relief. It’s one of the surprising ways your sex life can impact your health.  Psychosexual and relationship therapist Kate Moyle told Hypebae that intimacy in the form of sex or any sexual activity can release the love hormone oxytocin and other endorphins that promote […]

1 min read

Science Says This Sport Is Best For Increasing Life Expectancy – Health Digest

When you think of sports that will add to your life expectancy, swimming, running, and walking might be some of the first that pop into your head. However, according to a 2018 Danish study in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, it’s not the solitary sports that add the most time; it’s the social ones. Tennis was the […]