13 Mar, 2025
6 mins read

What Is The Healthiest Cheese You Can Eat? It Depends – Health Digest

Hispanolistic/Getty Images Do you feel overwhelmed every time you find yourself trying to pick from all the cheeses in the supermarket? There are dozens of cheeses to choose from, and it can be hard to know which is the healthiest. From creamy cheese varieties to hard and aged […]

15 mins read

10 Egg Health Myths We Thought Were True But Aren’t – Health Digest

Innervisionpro/Getty Images Eggs have long been a staple in many diets, praised for their versatility and nutritional value. After all, they’re the center of almost every breakfast plate and an essential ingredient in baking, helping to bind ingredients and ensure baked goods rise perfectly. Yet, despite being a kitchen favorite, […]

4 mins read

Why More Orgasms Could Make You Smarter – Health Digest

Filadendron/Getty Images Whether you score your climaxes with a partner(s) or during solo masturbation sessions, orgasms not only feel good, but are excellent for you. Both your physical health and mental health benefit from the feel-good hormones (oxytocin and friends) that are released during orgasms. As the saying […]

2 mins read

What Happens If You Eat Lead-Contaminated Cinnamon – Health Digest

Anjelika Gretskaia/Getty Images Cinnamon provides a warming taste and smell to your favorite baked goods and lattes, but check the label of the cinnamon in your pantry. According to Consumer Reports, some brands have more lead in a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon than anyone should have in a […]

11 mins read

9 Tips To Increase Your Libido And Improve Your Sex Life After 50 – Health Digest

Roger Wright/Getty Images Some might believe that, as a person’s age goes up, their desire for sex tends to trend in the opposite direction. However, that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. According to the American Association of Retired Persons, more than 70% of people between the […]

4 mins read

When You Take Ibuprofen After Drinking Alcohol, This Is What Happens – Health Digest

Fizkes/Shutterstock A glass of wine or pint of beer can relax you after a hard week of work, but that one drink can easily slip into several drinks. Maybe the headache starts before you go to bed, so to ward off a deathly hangover the next day, you […]

4 mins read

The Best Way To Eat Sweet Potatoes To Reduce Your Kidney Stone Risk – Health Digest

Susumu Yoshioka/Getty Images If you’re looking to eat more healthily, add sweet potatoes to your diet. A common favorite among bodybuilders, sweet potatoes are loaded with twice your daily recommended vitamin A, mainly in the form of the powerful antioxidant beta carotene. People with high blood pressure might like sweet […]

4 mins read

The Underrated Fruit That Can Reduce Your Risk Of Painful Kidney Stones – Health Digest

Rosshelen/Getty Images Kidney stones are hardly a walk in the park. Not only can they cause intense and acute pain, but they have a habit of recurring in many people. Yet it may be possible for you to reduce your risk of having a first (or next) kidney […]

5 mins read

Here Are The 3 Worst Eating Habits For Your Metabolism – Health Digest

Hananeko Studio/Shutterstock Having a fast metabolism allows your body to process the calories you consume as rapidly as possible. But what happens when your metabolism turns sluggish? In that case, you may start to gain weight, and you’ll probably want to know how to improve your situation (and your metabolism) […]

12 mins read

7 Unexpected Risks Of Eating Avocado (Especially If You Have These Medical Conditions) – Health Digest

Eternity In An Instant/Getty Images Avocado is easily one of the most popular fruits out there. So much more than just a nutritional powerhouse, it’s incredibly versatile. It’s enjoyed on its own, sprinkled with salt and pepper, chopped into salads, and, of course, whipped into guacamole. It doesn’t […]