12 Mar, 2025
3 mins read

What To Know Before Taking Magnesium And L-Theanine Together For Better Sleep – Health Digest

Simpleimages/Getty Images A quick glance down the sleep supplement aisle in a pharmacy could have you confused about which drugs, minerals, herbs, or amino acids are best to get a little more shuteye. Some medications like Benadryl and Unisom have antihistamines that can put you to sleep […]

3 mins read

The Unexpected Way Eating Sourdough Bread Every Day Affects Your Sleep – Health Digest

Irina Wilhauk/Shutterstock Sleep is a basic human need, but not everyone gets enough of it. According to the American Psychiatric Assocation, sleep disorders affect 50+ million individuals in the U.S. alone. And if you regularly toss and turn, you understand how frustrating the experience can be. The good news […]

3 mins read

Eating Eggs Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Hydration – Health Digest

Enigma_images/Getty Images Getting enough water every day can seem like an impossible task, especially when you’re on the go from morning until night. As a result, about three-quarters of U.S. adults deal with the unpleasant side effects of dehydration (via StatPearls). And all those dehydration side effects […]

8 mins read

Taking Magnesium Can Help With These Health Conditions – Health Digest

insta_photos/Shutterstock With so many diets emphasizing macronutrients such as protein or eliminating foods like bread, it’s easy to forget how a balanced diet can provide you with the essential vitamins and minerals you need for your body to function optimally. Do you often eat foods like spinach, […]

3 mins read

The Underrated Root Vegetable That Can Prevent Cancer And Help You Poop – Health Digest

We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. Maskot/Getty Images For centuries, people turned to plants for their medicinal properties. They would dry certain leaves or flowers and put them into their teas to soothe their throats or ease digestion. Bulbs of some plants were […]

3 mins read

Eating Greek Yogurt Every Day Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Cholesterol – Health Digest

LightField Studios/Shutterstock If you like the taste, texture, and tang of yogurt, you’re probably a fan not just of regular yogurt but of Greek yogurt as well. Featuring a thicker consistency and distinctive tartness, Greek yogurt is a treat for your mouth and stomach. And it may […]

4 mins read

Can AG1 Drinks Lower High Cholesterol? The Answer Is Complicated – Health Digest

Daniel De La Hoz/Getty Images Endurance athletes remember AG1 as Athletic Greens more than a decade ago as a supplement to balance any nutritional deficiencies. Today, AG1 markets itself as a supplement for anyone wanting to improve their health. AG1 can replace your daily multivitamin, greens powder, […]

3 mins read

An Underrated Winter Squash Can Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Disease And Cancer At The Same Time – Health Digest

Akarawut/Shutterstock Taking advantage of in-season produce allows you to mix up the flavors and textures of each meal. (Bonus: It also encourages you to support local farms!)  For instance, during the cooler months, you’ll probably notice that a buffet of squash varieties is on display. One of […]

5 mins read

Why Doctors Don’t Want Us To Sit On The Toilet For More Than 10 Minutes – Health Digest

Jonathan Kirn/Getty Images If you’ve ever taken your phone with you into the bathroom and sat on the toilet doom-scrolling, you’re in the majority. According to a June 2021 survey by Vioguard, Inc. (via PR Newswire), a whopping 73% of people admit to using their phone on the […]

4 mins read

Rice Protein Powder Could Have An Unexpected Effect On Your Blood Pressure – Health Digest

BongkarnGraphic/Shutterstock Do you have hypertension? If so, you’re like nearly half of all adults in the U.S., according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, just because high blood pressure is common doesn’t make it any less problematic. After all, the CDC […]