08 Sep, 2024
1 min read

Is TikTok’s Viral Death March Exercise More Effective Than Lunges? – Health Digest

If you already know how to do a single-leg RDL, you’re already part of the way to the RDL Death March. People who are new to the RDL Death March should choose a lighter weight or no weight until they get the proper technique down. The movement should also be slow and controlled to avoid […]

1 min read

How Much Water You Should Drink Daily If You Want To Lose Weight – Health Digest

You might already order soup or a salad at a restaurant before your main entree, but this practice helps you eat less at your meals. You can also do this “preloading” with water. According to a 2018 article in Clinical Nutrition Research, when people drank 300 milliliters (about 10 ounces) of water before a meal, […]

1 min read

Strengthen Your Bones With This Unexpected Canned Food – Health Digest

Cracking open a can doesn’t typically make you think of calcium for your bones, but surprisingly, beans and lentils can have a good amount of it. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), winged beans have 244 milligrams of calcium in a cup. White beans also have an impressive amount coming in at 161 […]

1 min read

Unique Cheeses That Have More Protein Than Meat – Health Digest

This hard cow’s milk cheese, originating from the picturesque town of Gruyère in Switzerland, is a protein powerhouse, containing an impressive 9 grams of protein per ounce (per the USDA Food Data Central). Its rich, nutty taste makes it a favorite among cheese enthusiasts and chefs alike, which is evidenced by its diverse culinary applications, […]

1 min read

The Best Time Of Day To Eat Eggs To Promote Weight Loss – Health Digest

Weight loss is more than just what you put into your mouth. Getting a good or bad night’s sleep can affect your motivation, decision-making, and, ultimately, your weight loss goals. According to WebMD, people who don’t get enough sleep can easily make bad decisions for weight loss, like grabbing a donut rather than cooking up […]

1 min read

Eat Breakfast For Dinner To Fall Asleep In Record Time – Health Digest

Breakfast plates at hotels and restaurants usually come loaded with fruits. Turns out that the fiber-rich fruits we consume in the mornings can also help us get a good night’s rest. “Fiber helps keep blood sugar steady for longer periods of time, so you can avoid the spikes and crashes that send energy levels on a […]

1 min read

The USDA Explains Why You Shouldn’t Eat An Egg With Cracks – Health Digest

In a 1996 study published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology, the Health Protection Branch (HPB) of Health Canada (HC) administered a risk assessment study regarding cracked eggs and how hazardous they were to human health. The presence of salmonella bacteria proved to be the greatest risk associated with cracked eggs. The research findings […]

1 min read

What It Means If Your Mouth Tastes Like Blood After Working Out – Health Digest

Do you suffer from GERD or acid reflux? Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) happens when the contents of your stomach back up into the esophagus, where they shouldn’t be. It comes with many symptoms, like burning pain in the chest (heartburn), difficulty swallowing, regurgitation, and a metallic taste in your mouth. According to the National Institute […]

1 min read

False Facts About Sex You Always Thought Were True – Health Digest

The term “safe sex” can be used somewhat loosely. Yes, deciding to practice oral or anal sex can be a good alternative for couples who are looking to be intimate and avoid pregnancy. However, that doesn’t mean that either option is completely safe. According to Better Health, both oral and anal sex can still carry the […]

1 min read

What It Means When Your Body Feels Weak After Pooping – Health Digest

Sometimes, we may strain ourselves to the point of physical collapse during a bowel movement. Known as defecation syncope, this occurs when a person passes out from pushing too hard while pooping. While little is known about the condition, cardiologist and syncope researcher Dr. Robert Sheldo told CTV News that defecation syncope accounts for up […]