12 Mar, 2025
1 min read

What It Means When You’re Craving Sour Foods – Health Digest

Traditional Chinese medicine says that everything in the world is made up of five elements of energy: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. If you’re craving a certain type of food, it’s an indication that one of these energies is out of balance. A craving for sour food, for example, could indicate an imbalance of […]

1 min read

Turns Out This Is The Best Sleep Position For Your Eyes – Health Digest

A 2017 study in Cornea involved 125 people —100 of whom had dry eye disease — and their sleep habits. Those who slept on their left or right side had more severe dry eye than those who slept on their backs. Sleeping with a fan can soothe your mind and cool your body, but this […]

1 min read

This Common Sleep Disorder Can Increase Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Death – Health Digest

A 2017 study in Neurology followed 57,000 women to see if RLS led to a higher risk of death. Even though women with RLS didn’t have a higher risk of death from any cause, they had a 43% higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease compared to those women without RLS. Meanwhile, no links between […]

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Turns Out Winter Snow Can Actually Damage Your Eyes. What We Know – Health Digest

Have you noticed how when you walk out of your home on a cold winter day with snow all around you, the entire atmosphere around you just seems all that brighter? One reason for this is that the snow and ice around you are reflecting the sun’s rays. So UV rays are coming from above and […]

1 min read

Can Eating Too Much Chocolate Actually Kill You? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest

It’s not likely that you could eat so much chocolate to suffer from theobromine toxicity. A toxic dose in humans is 1,000 milligrams (or 1 gram) of theobromine for each kilogram of body weight. For someone weighing 150 pounds, that’s 68,000 milligrams (68 grams) of theobromine. An ounce (28 grams) of dark chocolate with 70 […]

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Is It Healthy To Smell Your Own Farts? Here’s What The Science Says – Health Digest

Although there is some contention on whether or not the science is referring to smelling hydrogen sulfide, the research itself looked at how that rotten egg-smelling gas can help protect diseased cells from deteriorating in animals. And it has to do with something called mitochondria, a part of cells responsible for energy production, per Healthline.  Mitochondria […]

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Do This With Your Body At Least Once A Year To Test Your Cardiovascular Health – Health Digest

Although there isn’t any connection between singing on the stairs and heart disease, a 2021 article in Revista Espanola de Cardiologia said that climbing stairs is a good indicator of heart health because it measures your exercise capacity. Typically, doctors will measure your exercise capacity using a treadmill, but the study looked at how quickly […]

1 min read

Why You Should Avoid TikTok’s ‘Budget Ozempic’ Hack At All Costs – Health Digest

In addition to the obvious fear that such hacks promote disordered eating habits, using laxatives for weight loss comes with both short-term and long-term risks, according to registered nutritionist Anna Mapson (via Healthline). Dehydration, stomach cramps, diarrhea, excessive gas, loss of electrolytes, and tiredness are some of the short-term effects of laxatives. Dizziness, headaches, and dry […]

1 min read

Should You Have Genetic Testing Done Before Starting A Diet? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest

There are health professionals who are concerned about the lack of substantial data to support the definite premise that genetic testing can be your miracle answer when it comes to a successful diet plan, mainly because the research on nutrigenetics is still in its infancy. As explained by adjunct professor of nutrition in the Harvard T.H. Chan […]

1 min read

Do This With Your Nose To Improve Memory – Health Digest

Michael Leon, who led a 2023 study on smell and memory published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, told USA Today that your sense of smell has a “direct superhighway into the memory centers of the brain and consequently has a far greater impact (on memory) than those other senses (sight and sound).” The small but interesting study involved 43 healthy female […]