12 Mar, 2025
7 mins read

Hair loss: a complete guide – Healthista

Healthista sat down with Hannah Gaboardi, a leading trichologist and hair health expert, to discuss male and female hair loss, why it happens and how to treat it Our hair is an important symbol of our appearance and more broadly, our self-esteem. However, hair loss can greatly affect self-image and confidence.   Hair loss is an […]

4 mins read

3 mistakes people make when trying to stay healthy on holiday – Healthista

F45 Trainer Jessica King reveals 3 mistakes people make when trying to stay healthy on holiday. She reveals how you can keep your exercise regime going whilst soaking up the sun, sea and sand Exercising on holiday can be hard to maintain, especially when you’re in vacation mode, making it easy to throw you off your […]

9 mins read

Does the hot weather make you bloated? 7 reasons you should take probiotics during the summer – Healthista

Does the summer heat make you more prone to bloating, allergies and low mood? Here’s why topping up on probiotics can help alleviate symptoms You’ve been looking forward to the hot weather for months, but now it’s here, you just feel bloated and sluggish. It may be that your digestive system is not working as […]

7 mins read

A Doctor’s guide to spotting and managing anxiety symptoms – Healthista

From feeling restless to headaches and stomach aches, some anxiety symptoms are more obvious than others. Dr Raj Arora reveals signs and symptoms of anxiety, plus how a self-care toolkit can help prevent anxiety levels from spiralling into a crisis Anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry or concern that typically occurs in the absence of imminent […]

6 mins read

How to get a body like Jennifer Lopez – Healthista

The Agent’s Secret into how to get a body like Jennifer Lopez. Healthista Collective Expert Georgie Wolfinden quizzes Celebrity trainer Chris Richardson who de-codes how to get JLO’s enviable body Hello Healthista readers, my name is Georgie Wolfinden and I am the newest member of the Healthista Collective. As a health, wellness and beauty PR, […]

9 mins read

The Narcissist in my Bedroom – Healthista – Healthista

Loving a Narcissist – your love will be never be enough for those who don’t know what love is. Love, Lust, London’s Ksenia Lavrentieva explores and reveals exactly what it’s like to date a narcissist (so you don’t have to) plus, the red flags to look out for You know they are destroying you, you […]

1 min read

A Doctor Tells Us The Risks Of TikTok’s Red Cabbage Juice Weight Loss Trend – Health Digest

A weight loss journey is about a lot more than sticking to just one type of food — or juice, in this case. While there is no harm in embracing the nutritious benefits of red cabbage and pears as a supplement to an already balanced diet, choosing it as your main meal plan might be a weight […]

1 min read

Why The Health Insurance Death Spiral Is So Dangerous – Health Digest

To increase the number of healthy people in the health insurance pool, the Affordable Care Act required all people in 2014 to either have health insurance or pay a tax penalty, according to a 2020 article in Health Affairs. When efforts to eliminate this mandate began in 2017, health insurance companies in the ACA marketplace […]

1 min read

The Fascinating Reason We Lose Our Appetite When It’s Hot Outside – Health Digest

Scientists believe that this natural order of needing to stay cool by eating less when it’s hot outside is something that has evolved over time in humans. Our brains play a big role in the loss of appetite too.  According to Dr. Alona Pulde, a family practitioner who specializes in nutrition and lifestyle medicine, (via […]

1 min read

Why You Should Eat Blueberries After A Workout – Health Digest

In a 2012 study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 10 physically active women consumed blueberry smoothies (or similar-calorie placebos) five and 10 hours before performing 300 single-leg extensions on an isokinetic machine. Additional smoothies were ingested immediately post-workout, as well as at 12 and 36 hours later. Researchers assessed recovery […]