12 Mar, 2025
3 mins read

Boost Your Fitness Goals with Tri Active Protein – Healthista

Boost Your Fitness Goals with Tri Active Protein from Holland & Barrett When it comes to fitness and achieving your workout goals, nutrition plays a vital role. Whether you’re looking to build muscle, recover faster, or simply maintain a balanced lifestyle, incorporating the right protein supplements into your routine can make a world of difference. […]

4 mins read

The Type Of Smoothie You Should Drink More Often To Boost Longevity – Health Digest

Westend61/Getty Images If you want to live forever — or at least until you’re 100 — then you’d better start acting like it. That means engaging in the types of exercise that slow aging and eating foods that promote longevity. While there are many foods that are healthy enough […]

4 mins read

One Of The Healthiest Vegetables You Can Eat Will Boost Heart Health, Improve Sleep, And Help You Poop – Health Digest

Momo Productions/Getty Images Pizza and ice cream might be your go-to comfort food, but sticking to foods like these can bring discomfort to your body in terms of chronic disease and inflammation. On the other hand, a diet rich in nutrient-packed vegetables supports your immune system to […]

4 mins read

The Mindfulness Technique That Can Boost Longevity And Help You Live To 100 – Health Digest

Super Scout/Getty Images Everyone is looking for that fountain of youth — that one exercise, skin cream, or diet that promises longevity. Years of stress and disrupted sleep can lead to conditions such as high blood pressure, weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and cognitive issues later in […]

3 mins read

The Little-Known Seed That Could Lower Blood Pressure And Boost A Man’s Sex Life At The Same Time – Health Digest

We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. Zinkevych/Getty Images If you have high blood pressure, your doctor might have you take medications such as ACE inhibitors to keep your blood vessels healthy. You could also try to lower your blood pressure without medication by […]

4 mins read

The Hydrating Vegetable That Can Boost Your Kidney Health – Health Digest

We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock Without healthy, functioning kidneys, your body can’t operate efficiently. In fact, your kidneys contribute quite a bit to your overall wellness. As the Cleveland Clinic notes, they keep your blood clean, help ferry waste out of […]

3 mins read

The Cancer-Fighting Vegetable That Can Also Boost Your Kidney Health – Health Digest

Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock Is there really an affordable, easily available food that fights cancer as well as protects your kidneys? Yes! It’s arugula, a leafy green that’s full of flavor and bursting with nutrients. You’ve probably seen bagged arugula or arugula in bunches in your nearest grocery store’s […]

5 mins read

The Little-Known Toe Exercise That Can Boost Your Health After 50 – Health Digest

Ridofranz/Getty Images It can be easy to focus on the most talked about health problems that concern someone over the age of 50. We’re referring to high blood pressure, weight gain, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hearing loss, vision problems, bladder issues, and even dementia. Making healthy food choices, exercising regularly, […]

4 mins read

The Underrated Exercise That’s Proven To Boost Your Sex Life If You’re Over 50 – Health Digest

Ascentxmedia/Getty Images Exercise is good for you at any age but if you’re over 50, keeping physically fit takes on a whole other meaning. It’s about staving off disease, keeping your cognitive capabilities strong, boosting your mental health, and remaining confident in your body. Swimming, in particular, is […]

4 mins read

The Powerful Herb That Could Boost Testosterone – Health Digest

Vadimguzhva/Getty Images The use of Ayurvedic medicinal herbs in the Western landscape is an exciting development. Not only does it broaden the scope of what’s available out there health-wise, but it also enables a sharing of years-old traditions between the two worlds. One such herb that’s being studied […]