May 2024
When You Start Sleeping Naked, This Is What Happens To Your Skin – Health Digest
Temperature (how hot or cold you feel when snoozing) has an important role to play when it comes to how well you sleep. This is why we wake up if we feel too warm or too cold. Sleeping naked can promote good sleep by reducing your body temperature and helping you cool down. You will […]
Eat This Vegetable To Lower High Cholesterol And High Blood Pressure At The Same Time – Health Digest
While it may not be the first leafy green vegetable most of us reach for, Cleveland Clinic experts explain that cabbage can simultaneously lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Let’s take a look at cholesterol first. Researchers from a 2016 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that dietary supplementation of red […]
Anxiety Has A Little-Known Effect On Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest
WebMD explains that it’s not short-term stress and anxiety that puts our heart health at risk. In fact, this type of stress can help us overcome our challenges in life. Chronic stress, however, causes our stress hormones to remain high, placing a strain on our bodies including our hearts. High levels of the stress hormone […]
You Won’t Expect This Popular Exercise To Help You Poop (But It Really Works) – Health Digest
platinumArt/Shutterstock We know certain foods can help get our guts moving, but did you know we can prime ourselves for a bowel movement with exercise, too? Of course, physical activity of any variety is good for our gastrointestinal health by boosting blood flow, stimulating digestive enzymes, and kicking the nerves of our endocrine system, nervous […]
Can You Get Salmonella From Peanut Butter? – Health Digest
The researchers outlined that one of the reasons people may believe peanut butter is low-risk for salmonella contamination is because it has a low moisture content (via Foods). Following roasting, peanuts have a moisture content of only about 3%. Furthermore, the final product is calculated to have a water activity (aw) measurement of approximately 0.35, […]
6 strength training benefits everyone should know about – Healthista
Improved fitness and weight loss aren’t the only benefits strength training has to offer. David Wiener, Training Specialist at Freeletics reveals 6 other benefits everyone should know about By now, most people are aware that incorporating strength training into your workout routine is probably a good idea. We know that weight training is a great way […]
Why Men Should Be Having More Morning Sex (And What Happens After) – Health Digest
The most obvious physical health benefit is exercise. While sexual activity can in no way replace a scheduled workout, it is a good way to get your limbs, heart, and muscles moving first thing in the morning. Although the calories burned during this pleasurable activity might be minuscule (five calories a minute, per Harvard Health Publishing), […]
Why Ghost Poops Are Actually A Sign Of Good Health – Health Digest
Turk_stock_photographer/Getty Images If you’ve ever scrolled on TikTok or been in the company of a gastroenterologist, you may have wondered about your poop health. Are you eating enough fiber to poop? Are you hydrating enough? Is constipation becoming a concern? While unexpected triggers that can instantly change your poop habits can leave you worried, there is […]
Can Ibuprofen Cause Anemia? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
According to a 2021 article in the Clinical Medicine Journal, NSAIDs like ibuprofen can cause stomach ulcers as well as damage, irritation, and swelling in the small intestine. This can lead to gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation. The study authors further note that bleeding can either be overt — causing dark, sticky poop due to the presence […]
What Happens To Your Early Death Risk When You Have Anxiety – Health Digest
Other studies examining the relationship between anxiety and mortality have taken a closer look at potential influencing factors, such as gender differences. While researchers from an alternate 2018 study published in the British Journal of Psychology did observe a connection between anxiety disorders and early death, this association was only seen in men. Out of more […]