Here’s Your Heart Disease Mortality Risk If You Live In California – Health Digest
Cavan Images / Ron Koeberer/Getty Images California is known for its beaches, Hollywood style, and healthy living. As the fifth largest economy in the world, California also has one of the highest life expectancies in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and […]
The Unusual Fruit Smoothie Combination You Should Drink Before Bed To Fall Asleep Quickly – Health Digest
Charday Penn/Getty Images Getting quality sleep is essential. Yet a solid night’s sleep can be tough to attain for some people. Statistics on sleep deficiencies from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that nearly 4 out of 10 adults between the ages of […]
The Best Breakfast You Can Eat The Day After Eating Too Much Sugar – Health Digest
Tetra Images/Getty Images Birthdays, graduations, holidays, and other festive occasions invite you to indulge in some of the best sweets. From sinful ganache to heavenly angel food cake, you can find yourself going well beyond your typical sugar intake. That could leave you feeling like you have […]
Former President Jimmy Carter’s Health Challenges Over The Years – Health Digest
Frazer Harrison/Getty Images On February 18, 2023, The Carter Center issued a statement about the health of former President Jimmy Carter. “After a series of short hospital stays, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive […]
The Type Of Smoothie You Should Drink More Often To Boost Longevity – Health Digest
Westend61/Getty Images If you want to live forever — or at least until you’re 100 — then you’d better start acting like it. That means engaging in the types of exercise that slow aging and eating foods that promote longevity. While there are many foods that are healthy enough […]
Unexpected Foods That Are Secretly Aging You, According To Our Experts – Health Digest
The Good Brigade/Getty Images Aging may creep up slowly, but when it arrives, it inarguably makes its presence known — often in the most unexpected (and unwelcome) ways. Fine lines and wrinkles develop and deepen, while the skin’s elasticity begins to diminish. Suddenly, even the most potent, […]
The Underrated Juice That Can Lower High Blood Pressure And Cholesterol At The Same Time – Health Digest
Ljubaphoto/Getty Images When it comes to juices, orange juice is popular on many breakfast tables. Orange juice has more than a full day’s supply of vitamin C while also providing plenty of potassium, thiamin, and folate. Kids also love the sweet taste of apple juice, even if […]
When You Drink Turmeric Every Day, Here’s What Happens To Your Neurological Health – Health Digest
Rawlstock/Getty Images Take a peek into your grandmother’s spice rack, and you’ll likely find an old jar of turmeric tucked away. Known for adding flavor and color to curries, rice, and soups, turmeric is now making waves for its potential health benefits. Today, you’ll see turmeric capsules […]
What Men Over 50 Should Know About Erectile Dysfunction After Surgery – Health Digest
PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock As people get older, the body can’t handle surgeries and treatments the way it once did. Because of this, some people end up with unrelated short-term or long-term side effects because of those surgeries. If you’re a man over 50, one of those side […]
The Blood Type That Could Increase A Man’s Risk Of Prostate Cancer – Health Digest
Gorodenkoff/Getty Images Every year, more than 299,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed, according to the American Cancer Society. And although prostate cancer can be treated successfully, it’s still deadly for more than 35,000 biological males annually. If you have a prostate, you can take some […]